Compositional comparisons

Isabella d'Este

Leonardo: Isabella d’Este, portrait drawing (sketch). Photo: The Louvre Museum.

Face in profile and shoulders turned three-quarters toward the viewer.

Leonardo: Man wearing a laurel wreath. Photo: The Royal Library, Turin.

Roman emperor types appear a few times in Leonardo da Vinci’s drawings, according to experts and scholars.

Leonardo: Profile of a warrior in helmet, drawing. Photo: The British Museum.

Face in profile. Perhaps a masquerader?

Under construction

Roman emperor Domitian, Leonardo da Vinci, Titian, Tizian, Tiziano Vecellio, Roman emperors, Eleven Caesars, Undici Cesari, Domitianus, Isabella d’Este, Federico II Gonzaga, Mantova, Mantua, Italy, Francis I, Amboise France, Charles I England.